So what is ebackpack? Check out their site to get a better idea! It's basically a way to teach, learn, and educate while not in the classroom. It gives our students a chance to participate and complete assignments electronically.
Here are some of our goals for this great service:
To increase student/teacher collaboration:
eBackpack makes it easy to share files with classes, clubs, and groups. Assignments are simple. Send students messages. Plus with online commenting, file viewing, and homework drop boxes it is easy to turn in homework, review it, and return it to the student.
To enhance the dynamic of our Parent Connection:
Enhance the home/school connection with visibility in your children's accounts. Parents can easily create an account and add their children. See their assignments, grades, turned in work, and more! Schools always maintain full control.
To give students a lasting E-Portfolio (digital portfolio) of work that will stay with them in GBTPS:
Quickly & easily set aside special files to create an online digital portfolio of your student's work! Track progress over time. Portfolio files stay with you year over year so that you can easily look back. Plus, digital portfolios are proven to increase student engagement!