Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Blog Prompt #2 Multimedia Montage Project

So for my multimedia project, I have decided to join up with FOUR different groups in Thinkfinity. Four really? Isn't that a bit much? Well I truly don't hope so! My rationale for choosing to join this many groups, along with our own in our Multimedia thinkfinity group, is that I think the more resources you can have, the better.
Not one of these groups will answer all of the questions I may have about my project. I would shocked if they did. All of these groups will help me with questions, discussion boards, and getting general ideas and notions into my head as I move forward with our Multimedia Design Montage Project.

The groups I have joined are the following:
1.Blogging with Elementary Students
The reason why I choose this one is simple - I will be choosing to make my other blog my primary multimedia destination for my classes. Blogs are a great form of centralizing ideas and can be a hub for other things, including videos, text, still images, and audio. It will also help when increasing the digital literacy of my students. 

2. Using Multimedia for Education and Communication
Blogging isn't just about random people rambling (though they can be). They are gateways into collaborating. My students will be able to communicate with me and their fellow peers through the blog. I want to help increase the amount of communication and the types as well and I think this group would be great for that.

3. Integrating Technology into K-12 Classrooms
This one is a "no-duh" sort of group to join up with. I want to make sure my blog is better than what it is. Right now, it is a hallow shell of what I envision it to be and this group will help me with properly integrate the ADDIE model. 

4. Online Tools for Educators
Finally, really... do I really need to explain this one? What other things can I put on my blog to make it more interactive, more engaging, more , dare I say it, entertaining? How can I make it a classroom away from the classroom? Is there something I am doing wrong with my formatting? What else can be done to make this the best possible.

So, there you have it. I will be enhancing my blog with other tools and basically relaunching it. My hopes is that using the skills and knowledge learned via this class, I will be able to do it!


Unknown said...

Thanks! I really hope so - I have been using a blog in the classroom for a few years now but I really want to make it the go to place for my students. I have researched many programs that use blogs and I think I will try a few out before I potentially relaunch. Thanks again for the warm words!

Anonymous said...

Tim, I also like you design scheme. It is very 'motion picture' like and your chosen images are very eye-catching. Students really thrive on the ability to personalize their media. When they use social media sites, 9 times of out 10 they are able to move widgets and add colors and personal data. If your blog or programs allow them to do similar things, I think they will be more engaged and even use these kinds of templates in the future. Tell your students, SAVE EVERYTHING YOU WRITE NOW. It will be useful for future portfolios. It also teaches one about their own growth and learning.

Elena Constantinou said...

After reading your blog I also just joined the Using Multimedia for Education and Communication group on Thinkfinity. I joined Online Tools For Educators as well and one of the new tools I saw in this group is Edmodo, its like Facebook for teachers and students. Have you seen any teachers in your school use this site? I'm glad to hear that you have been successfully using blogs in your classroom for a few years! As a novice teacher, your blog inspires me to do the same!

Erica Holan Lucci said...

Hi Tim,

Way to go with joining four Thinkfinity groups! You'll be inundated with emails whenever people post, but the information is usually quite informative (I've discovered so many awesome tools via the fourth community you joined!). I'm excited to see that you're building on a project that you already use with your students. Since you already use blogging, and have solid experience working with it in the classroom, it'll give you a chance to focus on the skills you're developing in this course (namely what works and doesn't in terms of blog *design*)!

@ Elena -- I've seen mixed reviews on Edmodo (as you may have also read via the Online Tools Thinkfinity group). I'm interested to hear if anyone else's district uses Edmodo.

Nice job, Tim!