Monday, February 13, 2012

Mini Art School #3 - Borders

Silly, happy borders. So overlooked yet, it can make or break a picture. For this exercise, I choose to do four different borders around the time traveling car from Back to the Future, the Delorean. My borders were selected to echo how amazing this car actually is. 

I choose a border that was broken up by dashes, a border of a think black line, a embossed border, and a yellow, highlighted border. Out of all four, I love the black border the best. It focuses the attention to the car and makes it the most important item. 

1 comment: said...


You're right -the different types of borders highlight different aspects of each image! Question: What program did you use to create the borders? I wanted to do this exercise but couldn't figure out what to use...

- Sheila.