Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A new "side" project

This is the time of year when I truly believe school is at its most "crazy." Projects, trips, end of school, start of summer. Its a whirlwind race to the end. It's also a great time to start thinking about the future, next year, passion projects, and the like. 

Last week, I finally had the chance to hook up with +Christopher Nesi for his great podcast, House of #EdTech, in which I was the featured content! (What an honor!!!)

Great production, website, podcast - Chris has got the whole shabang down pat!
We had been trying to get together over the past month but due to the addition to my family and a few other items, we hadn't been able to do it. While when we did, it was fantastic to say the least. Chris is a top notch professional who makes you feel like you had known him for years. His questions, comments, and overall feel to the podcast were so crisp and clean, that its truly no wonder that his podcast is burning up the Podcast Charts over in iTunes! It was a true pleasure to be on his show and something I would do again in a heartbeat.

Check out the links below to check out my conversation with Chris on the House of #edtech!

Chris's website - http://mr.chrisnesi.com/

Stitcher Radio - House of #EdTech

After the podcast, we were just chatting and I had mentioned that I love the idea of podcasting. He told me something... why don't you start a podcast? 

Me? A podcast? Do I even have the voice for it? Where do I start? What would it even be about? What program would I use to record? Do I even own a microphone?

That idea has been bouncing around my head for the week. Finally, I knew. I had to do something about it. I had to start a podcast. 

So, this is my open letter to the world - I will be starting a podcast in the next few weeks, no doubt about it. But I don't want my podcast to be the same old thing that's been done. I want to talk about education in a real way. I want to give my honest opinion on things and I want my guests (if I have them on!) to do the same. I want to have a broad range of topics from differing perspectives on teaching, learning, and engagement that can help many educators, parents, and students. 

Most of all, I want to have fun doing it and I want people to think while listening to it. 

With that said, be on the look out for ...

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