Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Changes to NJ DOE Teacher Observations

Taken directly from : http://www.state.nj.us/education/news/2014/0714eval.htm

Christie Administration Provides Greater Flexibility
In Preliminary Years of Teacher Evaluation
For Immediate ReleaseContact: Michael Yaple
Rich Vespucci
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2014609-292-1126
Trenton, NJ – The Christie Administration today announced that the state Department of Education will provide greater flexibility to school districts in the two student achievement components of teacher evaluations, including the introduction of a review process for teachers' 2013-14 school year summative ratings.
"The Department of Education has slowly and methodically rolled out new standards and assessments.  Throughout the process we have continually and consistently listened to the voices of thousands of educators, and we continue to do so now that we have a full year of statewide implementation to learn from," said Acting Education Commissioner David Hespe. "By actively engaging all stakeholders, New Jersey is able to move forward with an educator assessment program that will help teachers improve their craft, and ultimately provide the high level of education that every New Jersey child deserves."
For school year 2014-15, the Department is modifying the weights of student growth components in teacher evaluations as measured by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers (PARCC) assessments and as measured by a teacher's individualized student growth objectives.  
Teachers who teach 4th through 8th grade Language Arts and Mathematics – approximately 20 percent of all classroom teachers statewide – will continue to use two student growth measurements as part of their evaluation. For the 2014-15 school year, these teachers' evaluations will be comprised as follows: 10 percent will be based on student academic growth as measured by statewide assessments, 20 percent will be based on student academic growth as measured by individualized student growth objectives, and 70 percent will be based on observations. For the 2015-16 school year, their evaluations will be comprised as follows: up to 20 percent, to be determined by the Department, will be based on student academic growth as measured by statewide assessments, 20 percent will be based on student academic growth as measured by individualized student growth objectives, and 60 percent will be based on observations.
The previous system called for student academic growth to represent 30 percent of teacher evaluations, with 55 percent classroom observations and 15 percent student growth objectives (student growth objectives are specific student learning targets that are developed between teacher and principal, rather than based on a uniform statewide assessment).
The use of student growth as a factor in teacher evaluations was one of the requirements of the Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for the Children of New Jersey Act, or TEACH-NJ, which the Legislature unanimously passed in 2012. The modifications announced today continue to adhere to the requirements of the law.
For teachers who do not receive a student growth measurement derived from a statewide assessment, their 2014-15 and 2015-16 school year evaluations will be comprised as follows:  20 percent will be based on student academic growth as measured by individualized student growth objectives and 80 percent will be based on observations. Previously, the classroom observations counted for 85 percent.
The Department will also offer flexibility to teachers in reviewing their evaluation ratings for the 2013-14 school year.  Specifically, any teacher who receives an evaluation rating of Ineffective or Partially Effective due to the outcome of the scoring of the student growth objectives will be eligible to ask for a review of their rating.  The Department plans to release additional details regarding this review process later this summer.  Further, the Department will continue to offer targeted training on the development of student growth objectives throughout the next school year. 
"Research has shown that the single most important in-school factor in improving a child's education is a high quality teacher, " Acting Commissioner Hespe said.  "The overarching goal – to ensure children in New Jersey have their education provided by a high quality teacher – remains unchanged."

Gov. Christie talks about a Task Force to review K-12 Student Assessments

Taken from here: http://www.state.nj.us/governor/news/news/552014/approved/20140714a.html

Executive Order Creates Nine Member Panel to Assess and Provide Recommendations
Trenton, NJ – Governor Chris Christie today signed Executive Order No. 159 instituting a study commission that will review the effectiveness of all K-12 student assessments administered in New Jersey.  The Commission is charged with reviewing and providing appropriate recommendations about the effectiveness of the volume, frequency, and impact of student testing occurring throughout New Jersey school districts, including those administered for college admission, college credit, and college pathways.  The creation of this Commission will also help ensure the effectiveness of the Core Curriculum Content Standards, including the Common Core State Standards, and the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers (PARCC) assessments.
“This Administration is committed to the educational success of every child, no matter the zip code,” said Governor Christie.  “Since 2010 we’ve enacted a series of measures that implement rigorous standards, develop excellent educators, and use high quality student assessments to gauge the progress of student learning and the effectiveness of classroom instruction. Establishing this commission is just another step in ensuring we’re providing the best quality education possible to our students .”
Governor Christie has repeatedly reaffirmed his commitment to providing a high-quality education to every New Jersey child through a focus on improving teacher quality while expanding choices for families in failing school districts:
  • For the fourth year in a row, Governor Christie has set a historic high for State spending for education. Total direct State aid to schools is over $12.9 billion.
  • In August 2012, the Governor signed into law the Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for the Children of New Jersey (TEACHNJ) Act, marking the first extensive reform of New Jersey’s teacher tenure law in over 100 years. In November of that same year, the Administration worked with teachers to bring  the first performance-based pay system to Newark Schools. 
  • The Christie Administration also has worked to increase the overall number of charter schools in New Jersey to 94, while focusing on quality and holding all schools accountable for results by closing 10 low-performing charter schools. Through measures such as the Urban Hope Act, Governor Christie has expanded educational options for children and their families by authorizing “renaissance schools” in Camden, Newark and Trenton to address failing schools in urban communities.
  • The Interdistrict Public School Choice program  is increasing educational opportunities for students with the option of attending a public school outside the district of residence and without cost to parents.
  • Governor Christie took decisive action to reform the Camden School District. The Christie Administration, through the new state-appointed superintendent and leadership team, and in coordination with local and community leaders, is taking direct oversight in implementing the necessary reforms of the school district to start delivering better results for Camden students and their families.

Membership of the Commission will be comprised of 9 appointees who have practical experience, knowledge, or expertise in the areas of education policy or administration and will serve without compensation.  The Commission will have the ability to consult with education stakeholders, practitioners, experts or other knowledgeable individuals in the public or private sector on any aspect of its mission. 
An initial report of recommendations will be presented to the Governor no later than December 31, 2014, with a final report to be issued  by July 31, 2015. 
The Commission will expire upon the Governor’s receipt of a report containing their final recommendations and a final report will be provided to the Legislature and made available to the public.

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