Thursday, July 24, 2014

Featured Guest Post - Life of an Educator: Dear Principal

I love reading blogs, especially those of other educators who I admire and strive to learn more from. Justine Tarte is one of those educators. He recently wrote a post on his own blog from the perspective of a teacher to a principal regarding the upcoming school year and things they would like them to do (or do differently). 

It was a great post that was deep and though provoking for all administrators as we move forward into the new school year. As a true, first year administrator as well, it gave me reason to think about how I would like to approach this year. 

I want to come out the gates quick and with a ton of energy and passion. And I know my teachers do to. But the school year is a marathon, not a sprint. I don't want to burn out my teachers the first weeks of school nor do I want to push them so hard that they push back even harder. As Justin points out, some of my teachers are coming back with their own ideas that they learned over the summer. They want to try out some of things they learned, or didn't have time for last year.

 So, let them try it our their way. Help them grow and learn from mistakes. 

Just like a Zombie Run, school years are a marathon. Take your time, pace yourself and run with a pack. 

You can follow Justin on Twitter here:

Check it article below:

Life of an Educator: Dear Principal: Some things I need you to know...: Dear Principal, I'm sure you are just as excited as I am for the upcoming school year. The summer has been full of learning for me an...

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