About Me

Tim Charleston currently serves as the Supervisor of Social Studies and Global Education (PreK-Grade 8) for Princeton Public Schools in Princeton, NJ.  Tim has overseen digital learning endeavors for a PreK-8 district for the past few years. Tim's wealth of experience and knowledge in educational technology, digital leadership and citizenship has helped GBTPS implement a 1:1, BYOD blended learning model, as well as digital citizenship and global learning. Being a former Supervisor of Instruction and Technology for the Green Brook Township Public School District in Green Brook, NJ, Tim has understands the power that technology has on education and how it can transform learning for students and instruction for teachers. Tim is a former Social Studies teacher with a passion for student voice in teaching and learning, as well as authentic learning models that strive for deep understanding to help students connect and build real world experiences to help them prepare for colleges, careers, and citizenship. He was the recipient of the Green Brook Middle School Teacher of the Year in 2011 and has been featured in EdTech Digest, T.H.E. Journal, and various social media sites.

To contact Tim:
Timothy J. Charleston           
E-Mail: timothycharleston@gmail.com
Tweet: @MrCsays       
Instagram: HistoricallySpeaking
Voxer: tcharl2737                                    
Blog: http://www.timcharleston.blogger.com
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCsays


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