Thursday, August 14, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Recently, and by recently I mean today, a good friend of mine and fellow connected educator, +Jay Eitner, challenged me to the #strikeoutALS #ALSicebucketchallenge. I accepted his offer with great pleasure.

Here's the proof below:

After doing it, and watching so many others, from Governor Chris Christie, the NY Jets, and so many others take the challenge, I became overwhelmed with good feelings. THIS is what social media is meant for!

So often, social media is demonized for being so negative and being the first to break bad news but this is something that is not only positive, it is for a great cause, to find a cure for ALS, or Lou Gehrigs disease.

Bravo, Social Media. Bravo, Society. You have taken one, very large step in redeeming yourselves.

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