Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Blog Prompt #7 and #8 - Learner's and Learning Elements

Bill of Rights Learning Element

I have linked my learning element for both sides. I have chosen to focus on one of the lessons during my Bill of Rights multimedia unit. During this lesson, which is at the end of the unit, students will watch a video about losing your freedoms and living in a world without it. Many students are unaware of how important their rights are and many take for granted when we use them, how we use them, and how often we actually do use them.

The video, called "Future Fright" was created years ago as an educational supplemental tool. It is a GREAT video, even though it might be a bit old.

I have never used the New Learning website but I was floored with how many people actually have. It seems that educators and teachers have been using this site for years to help create lesson plans, share them, and seemlessly upload multimedia tools for other teachers to look at and for students to use.

  1. Learning Focus: curriculum area and learning level.
  2. Knowledge Objectives: intended learning outcomes and links to mandated standards.
  3. Knowledge Processes: activities, marked up for the ‘kind of knowledge making’ required of the learner (below), sequenced appropriately and with a range that accommodates learner diversity.
  4. Knowledge Outcomes: assessment processes: formative and summative.
  5. Learning Pathways: recommended follow-on activities such as other Learning Elements.

The idea of having these laid out for teacher and student alike breaks down the walls that education has had for so long. What the student will be doing shouldn't be a mystery to the student! They should know going into a lesson what they will be doing, how they will be doing it, and what the reasoning is behind it. 

I do plan on updating this lesson as we go forward. The set up of the site and navigation of it are a little hard to get through at first, but with a little trial and error, first timers should be able to do this with ease. 
With all this information in mind - what else could I add to this? Let me know in the comment section!

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