Sunday, February 2, 2014

NJASA Techspo 2014 - A look back and forwards

I had the upmost pleasure of presenting with Jay Eitner (@isupereit) and with OnCourse at this years annual Techspo! The #edtech convention was fantastic and I think that it truly helped to reshape some thinking of major stakeholders in our schools. 

The conference had its ups and downs, as all do, but it was fantastic to meet up with fellow like-minded educators. These folks are true #agentsofchange in education. 

While I was happy to present, I was unhappy to note that the organizers doubled booked me and I wasn't able to present again with Jay and Sandi Paul (@SPaul6414) about Bring Your Own Learning and devices. I heard it was a great session with questions flying back and forth. That is exactly what this sort of conference should have, CONVERSATIONS. Not just a few people talking at the front and other listening but active participants who want to make a difference in the lives of our students and how our schools are run. 

This was my second year going to this conference. Since last year, I have been to about five "unconferences" and EdCamps and I have to say, it is a world of difference. Not that this type of conference isn't worth your time. It is. But there is a time and place for both. No matter what though, as long as you come out of these with some great connections and deeper thinking about what you are doing, then they had done their jobs. 

Here is the presentation that Jay and I gave:

Breaking Down Barriers 

Here is the one Jay and Sandi gave:

BYO Learning 

For more pictures and testimonials, check out my Twitter page and the hash tag #techspo14.
Also check out the session page

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